It is a type of choristoma (normal embryonic tissue in an abnormal location) that often affects the cornea. It appears as a solid, white, round, raised mass. It is usually located in the inferotemporal limbus, although it can be located anywhere in the eyeball or orbit.
Treatment: Includes corrective contact lenses and topical lubrication. When treatment fails, surgical excision may be considered, with the goal of improving vision, preventing amblyopia, eliminating persistent irritation and cosmetic problems. Depending on the extent and location of the lesions, various strategies can be used. Most dermoids affect only the cornea and superficial sclera and require simple lamellar dissection. However, some dermoids can extend deeper and even into the anterior chamber and require donor corneoescleral tissue for partial grafting during surgery. Peripheral lamellar keratoplasty is a good alternative to limbal dermoid tumors, because it offers a good aesthetic appearance and tectonic support. Central injuries can be treated with lamellar or penetrating keratoplasty. Early diagnosis is of great importance to avoid amblyopia.